The Clay County School Board

Retains professionalism, protects tax dollars, and continues to bring community back to the School Board.

Beth Clark for School Bd_Arglye-Elementary

In November of 2024 you'll have a voice to continue to elevate our school board to the next level. Help Beth to maintain accountability, transparency, & professionalism on the Board. Re-Elect Beth Clark to the Clay County School Board. Click the red bar below for an informational audio of Beth Clark with Josh Allen of Clay News & Views (2024).

Hear Beth Clark's Ideas

Beth Clark for School Board – Imagine Change

  • 5
    Beth Clark has business experience - she understands the concept of serving others. She may not know everything but she is willing to listen and learn, is open to new ideas and never said teachers are paid to much. Beth Clark is the right choice to move Clay County forward because she will bring a new perspective to the board.
    Sheila T
  • 5
    I have several friends that are teachers and they said they will be voting for you and so will I.
    Danny C
  • 5
    Vote Beth Wilson Clark . . . Give Clay students a new beginning!
    Cathy L
  • 5
    Beth, you are going to be an awesome force for good when elected to School Board.
    Cindy K
  • 5
    It’s Time For Change...Vote for Beth Clark!
    Rita H
  • 5
    Vote Beth for a qualified candidate and positive change.
    Sandra H
  • 5
    Vote for Beth, the best choice for our kids and our county. Fresh and new. Not the same old quid-pro-quo, rubbing each other's backs and padding each other's pockets. So tired of the "free" tax money going to friends and wasteful spending. The family will be voting for you! Looking forward to seeing you in that school board position.  
    James A
  • 5
    Support Beth Clark for School Board Representative. She's The Best Choice for Our Children's Future!
    Gwen W
  • 5
    What a breath of fresh air for Clay County to have this Patriot running for the school board!!! A genuine citizen who will do what’s needed right now for our children!! With a genuine passion and to not tax burden our next generation! I’m raising my hand in supporting the best of the best going forward period! God bless Clay County.
    Brad S
  • 5
    Really looking forward to fresh eyes and new ideas for the children of our county. It's time for fresh change in November.
    Ralph J